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Risk How to Manage

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The nature of all business includes risk and importantly risk assessment.

Successful businesses utilise a number of tools to manage risk in the pursuit of success, profit and avoiding expensive litigation.

Consider a consulting firm in the business of evaluating the building envelope for a high rise building. Future failures of the building envelope could easily exceed many millions of pounds of cost. The most immediate question will focus on the voracity of the report of the building envelope inspection.

In its simplest form, a building envelope includes the structure, the substructure, and facade.
The facade could be made up of many different materials including: curtain wall, storefront, stone, precast concrete, metal panels, brick, but to name a few. Book a Demo Today

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The facade could be made up of many different materials including: curtain wall, storefront, stone, precast concrete, metal panels, brick, but to name a few.

Perhaps the biggest risk the inspecting consultants face is failing to limit their liability relative to the practicalities of performing an inspection. Detailed proposals and contracts can limit potential exposure, however inadequate or inaccurate reporting of observed conditions will not help reduce potential liability.How Imfuna can help you;Create templates for inspections that match the contract terms and conditions Use standard inspection formats, that captures all necessary observations for important components Utilise the in-app ‘clone’ feature to capture data for each specific location Use dictations and photo markup tools to enhance observations Standardise observation reporting by utilising sliders to quickly uniformly categorise, pull down standard phrases, and flagging items needing more attention Capture data in an organised manner identifying each elevation, floor level, window model number or any other relevant location identifiers (all which is supplemented by automatic meta data capture in the Imfuna app: location, date, and time)The net survey result offers a clear, auditable and repeatable record as a compelling foundation to support a technical report.

Why stick your neck out? Imfuna can help you manage risk in a compelling and sustainable way